Tango Books

Eventi e Vacanze Tango

TANGO BOOKS | The best books on Argentine Tango

A special selection of the best tango books to discover the world of Argentine Tango

Tango books are doors that open onto a universe rich in history, passion and culture. Each volume is an invitation to explore not only the steps and melodies of this fascinating dance, but also the stories, characters and emotions that animate it. From its origins in the popular neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, to the great international stages, tango has traced a path made of continuous transformations and reinventions.tango books

Leafing through the pages of these books on tangoi, you discover how tango is much more than a simple dance: it is a universal language capable of expressing joy, pain, love and nostalgia. The life stories of great composers, such as Astor Piazzolla and Carlos Gardel, intertwine with the chronicles of the milongas, the clubs where tango comes to life every night, and with the testimonies of the dancers who dedicate their existence to perfecting the art of this dance. In these books on tango, many authors also offer practical guides for those who want to learn to dance tango, with advice on technique, posture and improvisation.

tango libri But books on tango are not limited to dance: they also explore the connections between tango and other art forms, such as literature, cinema and painting, revealing a cultural influence that goes far beyond the dance floor.
Reading a book on tango means immersing yourself in a vibrant and sensual world, discovering secrets hidden in notes and movements, and being fascinated by the magic of a tradition that continues to enchant generations of enthusiasts around the world. Each page is a step further on a journey that celebrates the essence of tango: an experience that touches the soul and ignites the senses.

A special selection of the best books on tango

Below, an interesting selection of books on tango in Italian, essays, manuals, guides and novels, which reveal all the secrets of a culture dedicated to Tango dance, music and poetry, telling the story of Tango from its origins to its contemporary evolution.

t come tango  

T come Tango - Meri Lao

Ed. Elleu Multimedia

Tango Book. Tango is a dance unique in the world for its inventiveness and complexity of the combinations of movements. Multiethnic music and songs full of popular moods. Movement that unifies yesterday's emigrants and today's exiles. Body and art form that has conquered timeless artists and frontiers such as Carlos Gardel, Astor PIazzolla, Julio Cortazar, Osvaldo Soriano, Maurice Béjart, Carlos Saura, Sally Potter, Pina Bausch and Madonna. Demystified the stereotype of the woman bound like the ivy to the man, the TAngo remains a ritual capable of charm and sadness like no one, but above all a way of being and living that knows death but will never die.


Tango - Rémi Heiss

Ed. Besa

Tango Book. The path of tango from its origins in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and Montevideo to its diffusion in at least three continents - Africa, America and Europe - up to the "recovery" of which it has recently been subjected all over the world.


Tangozen - Chan Park

Ed. Kier (nella versione italiana, Ed. Manzo)

Tango Book

1. Beginner dancer. He knows nothing.
2. Intermediate dancer. He knows everything. Too good to dance with a beginner.
3. Established dancer. Too good to dance with anyone.
4. Advanced dancer. He dances everything. Especially with beginners.

tango collo franno  

Tango - Paolo Collo e Ernesto Franco

Ed. Einaudi


Tango Book. From 1905 to 1997 the words of the most beautiful tangos, with text opposite. Stories. Tango stories and tango stories. They come out slowly but confidently from the original Spanish texts, and from the Italian translations; they let themselves be told, they spread traces of feelings along simple but effective lines. Not only music and dance, but also words define the profile of a modern myth within which it is possible to find our gesture, our very tender, in some cases elementary, emotion.

Il Tango Ritrovato Haim Burstin  

Il Tango Ritrovato - Haim Burstin

Ed. Donzelli

A travel diary in today's tango in search of the secret key to its charm.

Il Tango Gloria e Rodolfo Dinzel  

Il Tango - Gloria e Rodolfo Dinzel

Ed. Abrazos

Tango Book. That anxious search for freedom ... a work on the dynamics of the tango that tries to dialogue on the technical and theoretical aspects of this portena dance that identifies us in front of the world.

Senor Tango  

Senor Tango - Alicia Boqueti

Ed. Dunken

Tango Book. Stories and comics of tango and its people


Tango de Arrabal - M. Pirozzi

Ed. Il Sigillo

The Tango book is the result of a research carried out in the birthplaces of tango by the author, from an Italian family of ancient emigration to Argentina. Familiarity with places and people, combined with a long stay, have allowed her to acquire a vast knowledge of facts, testimonies and stories, normally hidden from the layman, which form the myth of the tango.

a qualcuno piace tango  

A qualcuno piace... Tango - Cristina Balzano

Ed. Il Sigillo

Films of all ages and nationalities have offered us tangos written by very different musicians: just mention Astor Piazzolla, Osvaldo Pugliese, Luis Bacalov, GAto BArbieri. An attentive spectator cannot fail to recall sequences belonging to the history of world cinema which owe their expressive effectiveness to the notes of Amado mio, Cumparsita, Creola or Violetera. This book travels the paths of the history of cinema highlighting the moments in which tango becomes the voice and soul of the filmic representation, music and dance become cinema.


Tangologia - G. Lala

Ed. Il Sigillo

Tango as a dance is a facet of a rich culture that includes poetry, music, characters, stylistic and social evolution. If its essence and style are not intimately penetrated, then one dances to clichés and inevitably performs a parody of the dance. Starting from this assumption, the author sets himself the aim of helping to learn more about the culture of tango in all its aspects: historical, social, artistic, musical.

todo tango  

Todo Tango - Meri Lao

Ed. Bompiani

Book-documentary that reveals the important and misunderstood contribution of women and, sweeping away stereotypes, allows the reader to enter a ritual where yesterday's emigrants and today's exiles come together, officiated by multi-ethnic music, by a songbook which is a philosophy of life, from a dance that is unique in the world. The book includes a valuable anthology of 115 tango songs with lyrics and front.

lezioni di tango  

Lezione di Tango - Elsa Osorio

Ed. Guanda

A choral novel with a fast-paced rhythm and heated sensuality, where dance and its protagonists, musicians and dancers, real or imaginary, move against the backdrop of Argentine history, from the first trade union struggles against the rich landowners to Peronism, from the dark years of military dictatorship to the financial collapse that tragically marked the country recently.


Milonga - Katrin Dorn

Ed. Excelsior

A novel that knows how to awaken many desires: desire to dance, desire to travel, desire for passion and to continue reading.

carlos gravito  

Carlos Gavito, la sua vita, il suo tango - M. Di Marco e M. Fumagalli


The authors of this book tell the life of Carlos Gavito, legendary dancer: an unimaginable life, a continuous gambling, between poverty and wealth, in an endless world tour with planes, helicopters, ships, trains and an old woman. Blue rambler. A book full of surprises. The story of one of the greatest dancers of all time begins when Gavito is just a child and begins to play the bandoneon ....

tango l'arte del movimento  

Tango. L'arte del movimento - Mauro Barreras

Ed. Geva emozioni

The analysis of the breathing, relaxation, stretching and suspension techniques introduces the reader to the art of movement: the Tango dance. An in-depth study of anatomy, the biodynamics of bodies and the control of breathing teaches the dance technique for perfect execution.

nero tango  

Nero Tango - foto di Pino Ninfa

Ed. MArcos y MArcos

Tango is not just a dance, a musical genre, a poetic form, but it is above all the expressive form of a community and a form of relationship between the sexes. At the heart of tango there is the need to go beyond a gripping loneliness, whose voice is the passionate one of the bandoneon left on the ground or tried in a dressing room, embraced as the most precious thing one possesses. It is the same solitude that emerges from the images of the milongas, places of clandestine meetings, where couples meet and dance under the apparently distracted gaze of a lonely man or woman; or that of dance teachers. The images shot by Pino Ninfa exalt geometries and rotations, impulses and conflicts, complicity and tensions.

dieci passi di tango  

Dieci passi di Tango

di Andrea Saridi

A salòn, a man who confides in a mysterious figure. Time marked by the memory that opens to the desire for a new life. Ten texts of Tango, which also tell the most secret movements of the soul. Thoughts that many have, without the courage to express them, often not even to themselves.
Author of poems, novels, and a comedy, Andrea Sardi explores the human soul through his artistic creation, identifies the patterns that sometimes imprison him, leading the individual to lose his identity until he gets lost.
It is a research aimed at discovering and sharing the route towards inner balance, to lovingly welcome oneself and the Other, to be free and aim for the full realization of
own destiny.
Welcoming these themes in a very expressionist way, "Ten Steps of Tango" finds a balance between rationality and emotionality, between logic and intuition. In a single composition, without a precise space-time limit, prose and poetry meet and complement each other.



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Are you looking for a unique and unforgettable experience for your holidays? Tango holidays could be the perfect answer for you! Tango is a passionate and engaging dance, with tango holidays you can fully immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Argentine tango while enjoying a relaxing break. Whether you are a beginner or an expert dancer, our tango holidays are suitable for all levels because they are characterized by a sociable and relaxed environment. Plan your next tango holidays with us and make your break unforgettable with Tango Allegria's Tango Holidays!