Argentine Dances

Eventi e Vacanze Tango

ARGENTINE DANCES | Argentine folklore and folk dance

In Buenos Aires they dance the Tango, but in Argentina they dance mainly the Argentine folklore

The so-called Argentine Folklore brings together all the Argentine dances of the popular tradition characteristic of the more rural areas outside the great metropolis of Buenos Aires, in whose milonags the Tango, the Vals and the Milonga are danced above all. Each province of the country has its own characteristic music and folk dances linked to native rites and traditions. Just to name some of the most popular folk dances in the various Argentine provinces, we recall the Chacarera, typical of Santiago del Estero, the Candombe dance, the Gato, the Argentine Zamba, typical of the province of Salta, the cumbia, the cielito, the mediacaña , the triumph, the pericón and the malambo, the Curteto typical of the province of Cordoba and the Chamamé typical of the province of Litoral and Corrientes.

 Bailo Tango argentino

 Couple dances are choreographed full of intentions when it comes to the feeling of love. Each dance for two has an intrinsic meaning and the dancers are actors within the musical rhythm.
The Argentine dances that require a greater number of couples are the pericón, the cielito and the mediacaña. These dances have slower movements and a great variety of figures in their development. These very ancient and traditional dances that are present in the regions of Argentina and that are part of its cultural heritage rich in varied mixtures and sounds.

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milonga ballo
The Tango Dance

It is certainly one of the most famous Argentine dances in the world: the Argentine tango. Tango dance is a couple dance that comes from the fusion of afro-rio de la plata, gaucho and dances with European rhythms. The Argentine Tango Dance is a dance characteristic of the Río de la Plata region, mainly of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, which later spread around the world. Several surveys indicate six main musical styles that have left their mark on tango dance: Andalusian tango, Cuban habanera, candombe, milonga, mazurka and European polka.

The Milonga 

The Milonga dance is one of the funniest Argentine dances and is also a popular musical genre of the Rio de la Plata, typical of Argentina, Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul. The Milonga as a dance draws its origins from the gaucho culture and the African one of the Habanera.

ballare tango danza


Tango Waltz

The rhythm of the Tango vals is the same as the Viennese waltz, the difference is the speed. The Viennese waltz is much slower, allowing time to comfortably perform all the passages. The rhythm of Tango Vals is faster, so tango dancers generally move their steps only with the first accent of the triad pulse.

Candombe Dance

The Candombe dance is a cultural manifestation of Afro-Uruguayan origin. It has a significant role in the culture of Uruguay over the last two hundred years, being recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. It is a cultural manifestation originating from the arrival of African slaves; constituting a fusion of musical, religious and dance traits of the various African tribes present in the Río de la Plata in colonial times. In the candombe dance there are also manifestations, which have developed from the colonial era until today, in Argentina and Brazil; in the latter it still retains its religious character as seen in Minas Gerais. 

tango canyengue

Tango Canyengue

Tango Canyengue is a tango dance style in contrast to the ballroom tango. The canyengue tango was that popular dance form, widespread in Buenos Aires in the early 1900s, danced in the outskirts of the city in a burlesque and fun way, very often between men, or even by prostitutes in cabarets in an extremely sexual and provocative way. One of its most peculiar characteristics is the playfulness of this dance characteristic of the neighborhood where La Boca was born. The term Canyengue, of African origin, means precisely walking cadenced, with tilting movements of the pelvis, and is in fact the essence of Tango or walking embraced in time to music. 

 chacarera argentina


Chacarera is among the most entertaining Argentine folkloric dances, its cultural origins come from the Argentina province of Santiago del Estero. The Music is traditionally performed with the Bombo Legüero, the guitar, the violin and voices. There are traditional sung and solo instrumental chacareras, usually performed in choreographic form with multiple dance pairs.


La Zamba Argentina

The Argentine's Zamba is one of the most romantic Argentine folkloric dances, very practiced in the north-east of Argentina, in the province of Salta. The music and singing of this dance are called zamba Argentina is one of the most popular folkloric dances in Argentina and is also practiced in southern Bolivia, which is not to be confused with the Samba of Brazil.


zamba folclore argentinas dance

argentine dances  zamba

El Gato

It forms part of the Argentine dances. The Gato is a folkloric music and dance typical of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, which would be influenced by the picaresque rhythms that radiated from the north of Argentina to almost the whole area of South America under the Spanish influence.

El Malambo

The Malambo is another of the Argentine dances, a traditional Argentine folk dance, belonging to the so-called southern music. He was born in the pampas around the year 1600. Within the Argentine popular music, he is an exception because he lacks the lyrics; the music of a bumblebee legüero and guitars accompany this dance performed only by men.

 argentine dances Malambo

argentine dances chamame


Chamamé, a typical dance of the Litoral province, of indigenous origin, of the Guaranì population, is currently a folk dance considered intangible cultural heritage of the province of Corrientes and Argentina.

El Pericon

Il Pericón è un'altro dei balli argentini, è una danza popolare in Uruguay, Argentina, Cile e Paraguay, principalmente in quest'ultimo paese. Questa danza consiste in un insieme di coppie sciolte e interdipendenti, generalmente di otto membri.

la chacarera dance 

La Murga

argentine dances a la murga

La Murga can be seen everywhere in Argentina, coming up to Carnival season in the summer in February. Murga is a particular type of local musical theater that originated in Argentina and Uruguay and involves both dance, song and performance. The costumes are similar to those of a marching band, but with various murgas in each locality gracing their robes with particular motifs and symbols that are particular to their specific group. La Murga is danced in an enclosed area of the street, usually in front of a stage where artists play, sing and perform monologues.

La Cumbia

Argentine cumbia is very widespread in Argentine culture, and certainly must be mentioned among Argentine dances. Cumbia is a musical genre typical of Argentina with influences from Colombian and Peruvian cumbia, although with characteristic features of the tropical movement of that country, born in the second half of the 1950s and with its development phase starting from 1960.

 argentine dances  cumbia

El Cuarteto

Cuarteto comes from Cordoba and is an ensemble dance similar to the rhythm of the Dominican merengue. It is named after the four-piece bands that played the music that accompanied the dance groups in Italy and Spain that inspired the dance of Cordoba. It became something of a cultural symbol of Cordoba in the 1970s and was considered a proud local alternative to the culture hailing from the capital city of Buenos Aires. 

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